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Common Sports Injuries And Solutions

Exercise is a noble activity and physically rewarding, but sometimes the strains can be debilitating. Sometimes the pain just will not go away and solid advice becomes necessary. The help on YouTube is phenomenal.

1. Calf Strain — It is often like a toothache. It is there, it goes away, it comes back, etc. When pressure is exerted the discomfort returns. Please make it go away!

2. Tennis Elbow — Not a big one here, but if you’re into weightlifting this is very miserable and it won’t go away.

3. Shoulder Pain — There’s times when you don’t know what exactly is wrong, as such is often the case with shoulder pain.

4. Shoulder Tendonitis — The pain is almost brutal yet bearable. The area seems to be in the sinking spot.

5. Supraspinatus Tendonitis — Ah! Relief where you need it!

6. Shoulder Tendonitis Cure — The number one step for a cure.

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