The Striking Numbers:-
The birth number of Barack Obama is 4.
He was born on August 4, 1961.
He was elected US President in the November 4, 2008 Presidential election.
His marriage was at the age of 31 (3+1=4).
He is the 4th youngest US President.
Numbers 1 and 4:- Numbers 1 and 4 are numerological twins.
So, a person with birth number 1 is influenced by numbers 1 and 4.
Similarly, a number 4 person is influenced by number 1 also.
His Zodiacal Sign:- Obama was born in the Zodiacal Sign of Leo.
The Sign is represented by the planet Sun. Sun represents number 1.
Hence, influence of numbers 1 and 4 are much stronger in the case of Obama-by virtue of his birth number and Zodiacal Sign.
He was elected US President in 2008 which represents 1.
Similarly, the year 2011 is strongly significant for Obama in various ways.
President Obama and First Lady Michelle:-
Astrologically and numerologically, there are harmonious vibrations between Obama and wife Michelle.
Michelle was born on January 17, 1964.
Hence her birth number is 8.
Her occult number is 44.
Surprisingly, the fate number of Obama and Michelle is same.
Their fate number is 29.
It is obtained by adding together the numbers of the date,month and year of birth.
Briefly, Obama and Michelle carry the same fate number and occult number.
By MK DAMODARAN, Certified Numerologist —