NSA Is Selling Technology To Companies?
Not only is the NSA creating surveillance tools to invade your privacy, it’s also selling this technology to the highest bidder. American companies can rent this technology if they have the cash to do so. So basically, the NSA is [...]
Solar Cycle 24: The Smallest Sunspot Cycle Since 1904
Solar cycle 24 began on January 4, 2008 and so far has been the smallest sunspot cycle since 1904. Solar cycle 24 “is on track to be the Solar Cycle with the lowest recorded sunspot activity since accurate records began [...]
Are Companies Cheating Landowners Fracking Royalties?
Are oil and gas companies cheating landowners on fracking royalties? As if ruining the nearby water supply wasn’t enough for local residents to worry about. And now these companies are cheating the landowners? This is just unbelievable if true. Many [...]
Petrodollar Warfare
Boldly breaking down the information barrier, we journey into the relatively untouched arena of petrodollar hegemony. What is the petrodollar and why does it matter? William R. Clark, the author, has written Petrodollar Warfare: Oil, Iraq and the Future of [...]
Fake Gold Bars At Fort Knox
The $600 Billion Gold Scam It is customary for a country to pay its debts to another country with gold. For example, the United States attempted to fulfill its obligations to China in October of 2009. Gold was to be [...]
Florida’s Race For The House Seat Goes To Republicans
It may have been a testing ground for Obamacare in the Florida’s race for the House seat. The House seat represented Florida’s 13th district, which is in the Tampa area in Pinellas county. This is was an important election for [...]
Are The Sandy Hook Hoax Videos Credible?
Far be it from me to chastise anyone for questioning the official story. There’s so much disinformation in the news that fact and fiction can be hard to decipher. However, at this point the Sandy Hook Hoax videos do not [...]
DRUGGED TO DEATH: Prescription Drugs Killing The American Soldier
Peter Breggin MD has spoken on FOX News about the impact of psychiatric drugs on American soldiers. Veterans are being prescribed cocktails of unsafe drugs which are causing them severe harm. Some are dying in their sleep, others committing suicide, and [...]
US Is Funding Syrian Rebels
The rhetorical question should be this. Why is the US funding Syrian rebels? Why must there be more foreign entanglement? Hasn’t there been enough damage in Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan? How many bodies and lives need to be disrupted and [...]
Super Bowl 2014: Investigate 911 Conspiracy Video
A Super Bowl interview was interrupted by a man shouting into the microphone. His words made the headline of the day: “Investigate 9/11. 9/11 was perpetrated by people within our own government.” And check this out. Matthew Mills even scored [...]
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