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The Elements Of Journalism: Review

Just what should newspeople be reporting? The book — The Elements of Journalism: What Newspeople Should Know and the Public Should Expect, Completely Updated and Revised — tells us exactly what we should expect from our contemporary journalists.

This piece of work is an essential read for every concerned American citizen; especially those who wonder what today’s journalism is really about and what it should be about. Kovach and Rosenstiel shine a bright light on the core elements of journalism: obligation, loyalty, significance, relevance, honesty, triviality, transparency, credibility, and democracy.

This engaging, well-written book by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel analyzes what the encapsulation of journalism proposes to be, and its inherited flaws that deserve to be scrutinized. A growing skeptical audience should require more out of the commercially saturated press, because our time demands it.

One basic approach of journalism is objectivity, which is said to be an illusion by some media critics. Your call on this one.

The authors also make mention of political, economic, and romantic ties that invade the realm of what we call journalism. The decision is presented to you, the reader, to determine if these ties interfere with the quality of news.

Rosenstiel and Kovach provide examples about how professional journalists are writing stories with good technique.

Here’s an interesting quote right out of the book. Victor Neufeld, former executive producer of ABC’s 20/20, once made this remark to a committee:

“Our obligation is not to deliver the news. Our obligation is to do good programming.”

The Elements of Journalism: What Newspeople Should Know and the Public Should Expect, Completely Updated and Revised  is intellectually stimulating, informative, and a culminating example of where we stand today.

If you are enthralled by journalism, news, or writing of any platform, you will be totally absorbed and enlightened by this publication. Entertaining, delightful, and straightforward reading.

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